
Learn how to run a hackathon and get new ideas, industry insights, and more on the Devpost blog

How to Run an Internal Hackathon (The Right Way)

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Participant resources

6 Benefits of submitting your hackathon project early

Here’s a look at the numerous benefits of submitting early to a hackathon.
Business impact

Driving AI innovation with internal hackathons [Webinar]

Learn how to build your AI strategy with hackathons.
Participant resources

User Story: Hackathon tips from Nathan, a 22-time winner

Here’s a look at how Nathan has managed to win an impressive 22 hackathons.
Participant resources

User Story: Ansh's do's and don'ts for student hackathons

Here’s a look at how Ansh tackles participating in and winning student hackathons.
Customer stories

The biggest AI hackathons on Devpost in 2024 (So far)

Dive into the AI hackathons making waves on Devpost to get inspired for your next event.
Business impact

5 Reasons private hackathons drive customer engagement

Here’s how private customer hackathons reduce churn and drive revenue growth.
Participant resources

User Story: How Victor builds hackathon projects for health systems and patients

Here’s a look at how hackathons help Victor grow his skills as a biomedical engineer.
Participant resources

6 Tips for making a winning hackathon demo video

Learn how to make a hackathon demo video with these tips from other hackathon participants.
Hackathon planning

What is a hackathon?

Master these hackathon fundamentals to help you get ready to plan a successful event.
Customer stories

How SAP drives customer engagement with hackathons on Devpost for Teams

See how SAP uses Devpost for Teams to connect with clients through its customer hackathons.
Participant resources

User Story: Winning Tips from Tristan, a 10-Time Blockchain Hackathon Champion

Here’s a look at how Tristan approaches blockchain hackathons and paved his way to 10 wins!
Participant resources

User Story: How Winning One Hackathon Led Betsy And Her Team to Quit Their Corporate Jobs

Here’s a look at how Betsy Berger’s approach to hackathons has led her to win every hackathon she’s entered.

Make a real impact on customer retention with hackathons

Here are 5 reasons to run customer hackathons.

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